So, CJ decided she needed a willing victim to go with her 77 minutes outside of the concrete jungle, on the Metro North, to go hiking. Not having much going on until September 2nd, I decided to accept the offer to get some fresh air, commune with nature, and see more of this state I have spent 6 years in. Unbeknownst to CJ she was about to get more and less than she bargained for.
My last experience "hiking" ended abruptly when I had a near death experience, but was saved from falling off a cliff by a well placed boulder. This time around it seemed as if the boulders had it out for me. When we arrived at Cold Springs we were greeted by warm and welcoming signs and $11 maps that we were assured would prevent us from getting lost.
Declining the advice of the locals to take the nearer and safer path, we decided to set off for the 2mile walk down highway 9D. Our Map seller had warned us that the path marked W for white was a fairly strenuous hike that would involve climbing with our hands and knees over boulders opposed to the other paths which had stairs. I don't know why... but I decided she obviously didn't know what she was talking about and that it couldn't be nearly that hard. I really wish I would have remembered that I am afraid of heights before I was too far up to come down.
The great views aside, it is rather hard to enjoy looking out for miles on end when you are experiencing borderline panic attacks, vertigo, and a strong case of self-preservation! Mind over matter my ass! That is one hell of a steep drop. We finally make it to the 3/4 mark, ok the 1/2 way mark, and I decide to negotiate my release from this ill advised path. Up ahead there is a yellow path marker and I deftly manage to convince my more risk tolerant companion that it is either this way or she is continuing alone higher up the mountain. (Ok, I cried like a little wee wee man and begged her to let me stop climbing.)
Not to be undone by the less strenuous and clearly marked path, CJ decides to veer off the path to investigate the sounds of running water below. (We were getting low on water...I suggested we use the waterfall to replenish our supplies...I was quickly convinced that this might not be the wisest choice of action.)
A short time later, we decided to reembark on our new yellow trail. Things can never be that easy though. 30 minutes later, we decide to officially say we are lost. Shortly thereafter we decide to backtrack our path and see if we can find any markers. Success! The silly city folks won't be calling for emergency assistance just yet! A quick look at our map and we were off to the next and last scenic point for the day, minus any boulder climbing of course.
Living in a concrete jungle you forget how nice it is to occasionally venture out into nature. Why we chose to take so many pictures of this frog or the other one we saw in the stream, really escapes me. But, I would feel remiss if I didn't share at least one picture of Mr. Frog (#1 or 2) since they captivated us for so long.