I'm returning, in a cab, from a sobering adventure of a preseason seeding game of two hand touch co-ed football that was played in the rain. On my return trip home, I'm making small talk with the cabbie. He stops in front of my apartment and I gather my belongings to exit the cab. As I am about to open the door, I notice a throng of people standing underneath my building's awning. One person in particular is blocking my exit as he waits for me to leave. Obviously this doesn't make any sense, but if you would have seen this particular "ghetto" individual...suffice it to say you would have expected such behavior. I exit the cab, mumble under my breath about having no manners (or something akin to that), and then hop in my elevator. Whoops! I'm missing my cellphone.
It turns out that my cellphone decided to hightail it out of my pocket while I was still in the cab. I run back outside...no cab. I run back inside and call my phone 30 times. No answer. I go to Verizon and try and activate my old phone so that the other one can't be used on my dime. Before I switch phones though, I call my old phone another 20 times. Lo and behold Mr. Thuggish Ruggish answers "Hello?". I reply, "Hello. You have my phone." Ghetto replies," I do?" I reply, "Come on dude, you just picked up a call from a caller that says "My Home"!" Dial tone.... I ring a couple more times and chalk it up to a Ghetto victory.
FF to tonight. I receive a call from area code 413 to my home phone. The woman asks for Jenny. I reply, "Sorry you got the wrong number." She calls back but this time blocks her number. Same conversation basically happens. Then this same woman calls my cell phone, which happened to be listed in my old cell phone as My cell phone (don't ask why I had that entry...)! Now, I'm beginning to suspect something is a bit amiss from this serial caller. In a not so nice voice I ask,"Who is this? How do you have my cell and my home number?" She responds by saying," You're not from around here are you?" I reply," I'm from NY." She replies," Well I'm from Springfield. I found this phone from a kid walking on the street, I charged it, and I wanted to see who it belonged to."

Springfield, MA!!! My phone was stolen in NY, somehow traveled to Springfield, MA, was in the hands of some kid on the "streets", and now is being used by a woman who has the gall to call me to see who I was. She had no interest in returning the phone, since I lived so far away. So I said keep it. Then I called Verizon, reported it stolen, and now the phone doesn't work. Not only will it not work but when she goes into the Verizon store to figure out why her new phone doesn't work...BINGO! The phone gets confiscated since it was reported stolen!!! Happy days are here again!!! Ghetto Fabulous Springfield Woman 0 - Salinas 0.5 (I still don't have the damn phone...but I do get the satisfaction of knowing no one else gets to use it either!)
I'm sorry, I'm not that impressed. By your title I thought they would have tracked your phone being used in several different countries or at least a different region of the country. Your phone never left the Northeast! I mapquested it and it is only 140 miles. That is like me losing my phone here in L.A. and finding out it was being used in San Diego. I wouldn't be that surpirsed.
Good one Salinas. I truly hope that she gets busted when she turns that sucker in. I'll give you a full point for that one! Salinas 1 - Loser Chick 0.
That was a funny read. I can only imagine the "tough guy" Salinas voice when you were talking on the phone with Mr. Thug!
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