Daji Adventures - Graduation!
Daji is now 15 weeks old and the little guy sure aint so little anymore. His most recent accomplishments include graduating Puppy Kindergarten, no longer messing in his crate, being able to leap onto the bed all by himself, learning how to lay down on command, finding his red rocket, discovering he really likes Kara's leg, and managing to not kill George The Third! Daji also has discovered that he has the most amazing Tias (Annie Freccero and Kendra Krupansky)!!! Thanks Aunties for taking care of our little boy.
Starting the second Sunday after we got him we decided to try and track his growth. The pencil on the wall idea didn't go so well. But, for some reason, the picture next to the Dresser/TV Stand really took hold. The pics below detail his amazing growth Sunday by Sunday by Sunday.
What a good boy. He should meet Maui (now that we got her fixed).
such a sweet boy!
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