Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Few things in life are certain. I have been alive long enough to know a few though: Palin is going to get rocked tomorrow during the VP debates, death, Obama will always mention "change" way too many times, taxes, I'm going to come in dead last in my FF league, and I'm a one trick pony.

Yup, you heard right. I'm a one trick pony. Growing up I had some speed and learned how to turn left. Thus the natural progression was to run track. Any other sport that needed more than one instruction was a non-starter. When I have tried other sports and been given more than just one direction it has proven to be disastrous. Anyone remember the Rugby incident?
Moving to SF, I temporarily forgot my "one trick" status and agreed to try Wakeboarding. The instructions were one too many, "Follow the boat" said Vanessa. This was followed by "When you fall, let go of the rope". Two instructions...OY VEY! Next came a lot of falling, never successfully standing up on the board, and breaking the kevlar rope. Yep...I broke the Kevlar rope...
Lessons learned/remembered... when you fall, let go of the rope... and I am a one trick pony.