Friday, November 28, 2008

Cooking Bob aka Thanksgiving '08

Thanksgiving 2008 will forever be remembered as one of the most delicious ever. Of course, it may have a little to do with the fact that I cooked the bird, it equally may be because of the delicious applie pie we had for dessert, and without a doubt it was because wine makes everything taste better. If you ever make mashed cauliflower don't forget to be extra liberal with the addition of wine.

Note for future Thanksgiving dinners, remember to remove both "internal packages" before cooking.
2nd note, the plastic tops of roasting pans are not oven safe... why they are included with a roasting pan still boggles my mind.

Special shout-outs to Jim for baking the best apple pie ever & displaying a great knack for carving, but not for removing the wing. Many many many thanks to Michelle for supplying the house, mimosas, stuffing, swedish meatballs sans the gravy, movie, green beans, and sour cream infused mashed potatoes. Laila is welcome to all future events! Bringing 4 bottles of liquor is a great way to get on my good side, quickly!
If a knife doesn't work, use the hands.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Few things in life are certain. I have been alive long enough to know a few though: Palin is going to get rocked tomorrow during the VP debates, death, Obama will always mention "change" way too many times, taxes, I'm going to come in dead last in my FF league, and I'm a one trick pony.

Yup, you heard right. I'm a one trick pony. Growing up I had some speed and learned how to turn left. Thus the natural progression was to run track. Any other sport that needed more than one instruction was a non-starter. When I have tried other sports and been given more than just one direction it has proven to be disastrous. Anyone remember the Rugby incident?
Moving to SF, I temporarily forgot my "one trick" status and agreed to try Wakeboarding. The instructions were one too many, "Follow the boat" said Vanessa. This was followed by "When you fall, let go of the rope". Two instructions...OY VEY! Next came a lot of falling, never successfully standing up on the board, and breaking the kevlar rope. Yep...I broke the Kevlar rope...
Lessons learned/remembered... when you fall, let go of the rope... and I am a one trick pony.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Well...I always wanted a view!

I always said I wanted a balcony and a view. All it took to make my dream come true was moving to SF and being willing to move into an ~300 sq ft apartment. At the risk of boring everyone to tears with words, I'll let my pictures do the story-telling this time. The pics should be self-explanatory starting from the outside of the complex to my balcony. Enjoy...
P.S. I'm not in NY anymore. I learned that while trying to watch MNF...

And that my friends is my humble abode. Once I get a BBQ, some tents for visitors and some outdoor chairs everyone is invited to the new Casa De Salinas!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cold Springs

So, CJ decided she needed a willing victim to go with her 77 minutes outside of the concrete jungle, on the Metro North, to go hiking. Not having much going on until September 2nd, I decided to accept the offer to get some fresh air, commune with nature, and see more of this state I have spent 6 years in. Unbeknownst to CJ she was about to get more and less than she bargained for.

My last experience "hiking" ended abruptly when I had a near death experience, but was saved from falling off a cliff by a well placed boulder. This time around it seemed as if the boulders had it out for me. When we arrived at Cold Springs we were greeted by warm and welcoming signs and $11 maps that we were assured would prevent us from getting lost.
Declining the advice of the locals to take the nearer and safer path, we decided to set off for the 2mile walk down highway 9D. Our Map seller had warned us that the path marked W for white was a fairly strenuous hike that would involve climbing with our hands and knees over boulders opposed to the other paths which had stairs. I don't know why... but I decided she obviously didn't know what she was talking about and that it couldn't be nearly that hard. I really wish I would have remembered that I am afraid of heights before I was too far up to come down.
The great views aside, it is rather hard to enjoy looking out for miles on end when you are experiencing borderline panic attacks, vertigo, and a strong case of self-preservation! Mind over matter my ass! That is one hell of a steep drop. We finally make it to the 3/4 mark, ok the 1/2 way mark, and I decide to negotiate my release from this ill advised path. Up ahead there is a yellow path marker and I deftly manage to convince my more risk tolerant companion that it is either this way or she is continuing alone higher up the mountain. (Ok, I cried like a little wee wee man and begged her to let me stop climbing.)

Not to be undone by the less strenuous and clearly marked path, CJ decides to veer off the path to investigate the sounds of running water below. (We were getting low on water...I suggested we use the waterfall to replenish our supplies...I was quickly convinced that this might not be the wisest choice of action.)
A short time later, we decided to reembark on our new yellow trail. Things can never be that easy though. 30 minutes later, we decide to officially say we are lost. Shortly thereafter we decide to backtrack our path and see if we can find any markers. Success! The silly city folks won't be calling for emergency assistance just yet! A quick look at our map and we were off to the next and last scenic point for the day, minus any boulder climbing of course.
Living in a concrete jungle you forget how nice it is to occasionally venture out into nature. Why we chose to take so many pictures of this frog or the other one we saw in the stream, really escapes me. But, I would feel remiss if I didn't share at least one picture of Mr. Frog (#1 or 2) since they captivated us for so long.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The bully that got KTFO!

We've all been guilty of it; complaining how Pro-Athletes don't care about the game. How they lost their love for the game, and are only in it for the paycheck. It's what makes fans enjoy the college game more than the NFL, NBA, or MLB. It's why the Olympics, although made up of amateurs and professionals, elicit more of an emotional response from viewers than does the average regular season professional game. The fans want to watch a game that has meaning for the players and thus can also have meaning for the fan.

For all of us whiners who ever dared say that the Pro's don't care; just re-watch KG breaking down during his interview while trying to explain what winning the NBA championship felt like. Sure, he said that the interviewer looked hot. Sure, it seemed as if he paid homage to a myriad of places most of us have never heard about, and would never want to go to. He may not be the most articulate man in the world. But, those tears of happiness and joy that spilled down his face... I for one will never say that the Pro game is full of athletes who don't care.

The game of his life

By Scoop JacksonPage 2(Archive Contact)
The beauty and innocence of what this game is supposed to be about when money, power and disrespect are not the guiding forces in your life. His answer, one of the ageless. One for the ages.
"You ever go to school," he said, finding the perfect words, "and you had a bully mess with you every day? I know everybody ain't no tough guy here. It's like that bully that you go to school every day [with] and you know when you get out of your mom's or dad's car, you know you're going to see him as soon as you walk through the doors, he's sitting there waiting to pat your pockets and mess with you. Then one day you say, 'This is going to stop today!' You walk in and as soon as the bully pats your pockets you lay his ass out and you see the expression on his face. You're sorta shook because you know what, you just knocked the bully out and you don't know how he's going to come back. The next morning when you come in and he's not there, it's like a sigh of relief. It's like getting rid of the bully. It's like I knocked the bully's ass out! I knocked his ass clean out. That's what it feels like. For all y'all who ain't been bullied, y'all got no idea what I'm talking about. But for y'all who have, you understand my story."
Scoop Jackson is a columnist for

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Innate Deficiency of Buoyancy - Not Me!!!

I saw this and I had to repost it. If you get it, then I'm sure it made you laugh. Maybe I have my triathalon excuse now! Enjoy!

New study: 58 percent of black children can't swim

By DAVID CRARY, AP National Writer

NEW YORK - Nearly 60 percent of African-American children can't swim, almost twice the figure for white children, according to a first-of-its-kind survey which USA Swimming hopes will strengthen its efforts to lower minority drowning rates and draw more blacks into the sport.

Stark statistics underlie the initiative by the national governing body for swimming. Black children drown at a rate almost three times the overall rate. And less than 2 percent of USA Swimming's nearly 252,000 members who swim competitively year-round are black.

To alter the numbers, USA Swimming is teaming with an array of partners — local governments, corporations, youth and ethnic organizations_ to expand learn-to-swim programs nationwide, many of them targeted at inner-city minorities. One of the key participants is black freestyle star Cullen Jones, who hopes to boost his role-model status by winning a medal this summer at the Beijing Olympics.

USA Swimming's motives are twofold, executive director Chuck Wielgus said.
"It's just the right thing to do — making an effort so every kid can be water-safe," he said. "And quite frankly it's about performance. We're something of a niche sport and for us to remain relevant, considering the changing demographics of the population, it's important we get more kids involved at the mouth of the pipeline."

As part of the initiative, USA Swimming commissioned an ambitious study recently completed by five experts at the University of Memphis' Department of Health and Sports Sciences. They surveyed 1,772 children aged 6 to 16 in six cities — two-thirds of them black or Hispanic — to gauge what factors contributed most to the minority swimming gap.

The study found that 31 percent of the white respondents could not swim safely, compared to 58 percent of the blacks. The non-swimming rate for Hispanic children was almost as high — 56 percent — although more than twice as many Hispanics as blacks are now USA Swimming members.

The lead researcher, Professor Richard Irwin, said one key finding was the influence of parents' attitudes and abilities. If a parent couldn't swim, as was far more likely in minority families than white families, or if the parent felt swimming was dangerous, then the child was far less likely to learn how to swim.

Irwin said this means learn-to-swim programs in minority communities should reach out to parents.

Among black children, the study found that girls overall had weaker swimming skills than boys and were less comfortable at pools. Irwin said this might justify experimenting with single-sex swim programs, comparable to single-sex academic programs now spreading through some schools.

The minority swimming gap has deep roots in America's racial history. For decades during the 20th century, many pools were segregated, and relatively few were built to serve black communities.

John Cruzat, USA Swimming's diversity specialist, said these inequalities were compounded by a widespread misperception — fueled by flawed academic studies — that blacks' swimming ability was compromised by an innate deficit of buoyancy.

"There are people who still give credence to these stereotypes, even in the black and Hispanic community," said Cruzat, who wants to break the cycle that passes negative attitudes about swimming from one black generation to another.

"These long-held beliefs are still so potent," he said. "If you don't teach your children to swim, you're putting your grandchildren at risk."

Cruzat was pleased by one finding in the new study — that most black and Hispanic children do not disdain swimming as a "white sport." The study also found that swimming ability, regardless of race, increased in relation to parents' income and education.

The findings will be used by USA Swimming to fine-tune its steadily expanding Make a Splash program, in which it teams up with local partners to offer lessons and water-safety classes.
Programs are starting this year at YMCAs in Philadelphia, Omaha, Neb., Raleigh, N.C., and San Jose, Calif.

Wanda Butts of Toledo, Ohio, is participating in the program. Her 16-year-old son, Josh, drowned last year in a lake as he played with friends on a raft despite his inability to swim.
Butts, 54, said her father once witnessed a drowning and passed on a fear of swimming to her, and she in turn never made efforts to have Josh learn to swim.

Butts now travels periodically to preach the importance of learning to swim — in fact, she's taking lessons herself. She's also launched an initiative called the Josh Project, which ensures that lessons are free for families unable to afford them.

"The best way is to start the children as young as possible," she said.

Olympic hopeful Jones is the highest-profile Make a Splash campaigner. In 2006, he helped break a world record with the U.S. 400 freestyle relay team. He hopes to qualify in July for the Beijing Games, and knows that winning a medal there in the glamorous 50 meter freestyle would be a huge boost for the efforts to lure more black children into swimming.

"There are African-Americans who swim, but they're in the background," Jones said. "People only pay attention when you're in the limelight."

He still hears skeptical comments sometimes from adults in the black community, even from some of his relatives — but he sees little hesitation in the children he mentors in the pool.

"I've done lessons with white and black kids — there's no kid out there who doesn't like jumping into a pool," he said. "When you're 6, you are fearless. That's the time to teach them."

Among Jones' admirers is Pablo Morales, a son of Cuban-born parents who won Olympic swimming medals in 1984 and 1992 and now coaches at the University of Nebraska.

"He can have an amazing impact," Morales said of Jones. "I cheer for him — and hope he can stay on top for a long time."

But Morales acknowledges that swimming diversity has improved only marginally since his first Olympics.

"Has progress been made? Yes," he said. "Has it been as extensive and as quick as we'd hoped? Definitely not."

Thursday, April 24, 2008

El Gran Poopal

There have been many famous "mobiles" that TV characters have driven or ridden throughout the ages. There has been the Bat-mobile, the Cat-mobile, the Monkee-mobile (hey hey we're the Monkeys!), and now we have the Pope-mobile. ***(Ed. note) I do not want to mock anyone's religion, but I am going to make a few observations from his most recent visit.***

Like a child on Saturday morning waiting for his favorite cartoons to start, I eagerly awaited my chance to see the holiest of holies last Saturday afternoon. Granted, I wasn't the early bird that caught the worm as one could tell from my vantage point. Yet, if you squint just right, you can see the vague outline of the white collared man himself in the left of the Pope-mobile
Unlike that child from above I was left feeling a bit wanting. I've been to a Catholic church twice in my life. I know I should have known what to expect. I got what I paid for. A fleeting image of the head man himself, from half a block away, who nary turned in my direction, before Poof he passed my intersection. There were people shouting, crying, and whatever else Catholics do. I was left thinking what cult am I in the midst of.
After the "show" there was a noticeable drain from the crowd. It was as if everyone had the same thoughts, that was it?! Now what do I do? I don't feel any different. No one was miraculously healed, cripples didn't walk, and I have yet hear about any decrease in crimes, famines, or ethnic cleansings.
No, the lasting impression people had on their minds was now how the "F" do I get out of this Zoo. All the streets were blocked, subways weren't running, and so like the sheep we all were...we herded some more and reflected... "A once in a lifetime event."...
I should've slept in...
(Sorry for the no line spacing...Blogger won't let me fix this, even though the Html coding says I should have about 5 lines between each paragraph. Dennis!!! Help!!!)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Places I've never been... but my phone has

So that's the phone I lost/was stolen over a month ago now. It was a great phone. LG characterizes the phone this way "the VX8700 will satisfy your craving for serious style with its ultra-thin shape, sleek metal finish, and mirror-like screen." I'll start from the beginning.

I'm returning, in a cab, from a sobering adventure of a preseason seeding game of two hand touch co-ed football that was played in the rain. On my return trip home, I'm making small talk with the cabbie. He stops in front of my apartment and I gather my belongings to exit the cab. As I am about to open the door, I notice a throng of people standing underneath my building's awning. One person in particular is blocking my exit as he waits for me to leave. Obviously this doesn't make any sense, but if you would have seen this particular "ghetto" individual...suffice it to say you would have expected such behavior. I exit the cab, mumble under my breath about having no manners (or something akin to that), and then hop in my elevator. Whoops! I'm missing my cellphone.

It turns out that my cellphone decided to hightail it out of my pocket while I was still in the cab. I run back cab. I run back inside and call my phone 30 times. No answer. I go to Verizon and try and activate my old phone so that the other one can't be used on my dime. Before I switch phones though, I call my old phone another 20 times. Lo and behold Mr. Thuggish Ruggish answers "Hello?". I reply, "Hello. You have my phone." Ghetto replies," I do?" I reply, "Come on dude, you just picked up a call from a caller that says "My Home"!" Dial tone.... I ring a couple more times and chalk it up to a Ghetto victory.

FF to tonight. I receive a call from area code 413 to my home phone. The woman asks for Jenny. I reply, "Sorry you got the wrong number." She calls back but this time blocks her number. Same conversation basically happens. Then this same woman calls my cell phone, which happened to be listed in my old cell phone as My cell phone (don't ask why I had that entry...)! Now, I'm beginning to suspect something is a bit amiss from this serial caller. In a not so nice voice I ask,"Who is this? How do you have my cell and my home number?" She responds by saying," You're not from around here are you?" I reply," I'm from NY." She replies," Well I'm from Springfield. I found this phone from a kid walking on the street, I charged it, and I wanted to see who it belonged to."

Springfield, MA!!! My phone was stolen in NY, somehow traveled to Springfield, MA, was in the hands of some kid on the "streets", and now is being used by a woman who has the gall to call me to see who I was. She had no interest in returning the phone, since I lived so far away. So I said keep it. Then I called Verizon, reported it stolen, and now the phone doesn't work. Not only will it not work but when she goes into the Verizon store to figure out why her new phone doesn't work...BINGO! The phone gets confiscated since it was reported stolen!!! Happy days are here again!!! Ghetto Fabulous Springfield Woman 0 - Salinas 0.5 (I still don't have the damn phone...but I do get the satisfaction of knowing no one else gets to use it either!)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jury Duty

What better time to serve my civic duty of jury duty than now? Juggling interviews around this enlightening experience was just one of the highlights of the past 7 days. I also learned the multiple meanings of a simple but now widely seen tattoo. I found out that while in court time stops behaving as we have been taught all of our life. I tasted the best Pho since Maria took me to a place in OC. Oh yeah, I also managed to pull both my hamstrings while momentarily forgetting my age! Not to mention, I had the enjoyable experience of learning that both my ex-Governor and my potentially soon to be ex-Governor are sex fiends.

I was committed to not being placed on a jury. I was also committed to not pissing off a judge who might see through my attempt at trying to not get picked on a jury. So I decided to be mostly truthful… Jury selection begins and of course it’s a drug trial with a black defendant. In my mind I’m thinking this is great. I’ll never get picked. I know too many lawyers, my friend’s Dad is a Sheriff, my Dad was a Marshall…the Defense will want me until they hear that. The Prosecution will of course like the fact that I know so many law abiding citizens, however I challenged him on one of his questions.

Prosecution: Does anyone here not think that it is always possible to figure out someone’s intent based on their actions and their surroundings?”
Salinas: I’m sorry I don’t think that’s possible at all. There is no way you can say you can understand someone’s intent all the time based on their actions and surroundings.
Judge: Mr. Salinas let me try and rephrase what I think the Prosecutor was trying to say. Do you think it is possible to sometimes interpret someone’s intent based on their actions and their surroundings?
Salinas (in my head): Damn!
Salinas (out loud): In that case your honor, I would have to say yes…sometimes, it is possible.
Salinas (in my head): She’s on to me.

With my tail between my legs, I hope that I did enough to warrant either the Prosecution or Defense using one of their dismissals on me. Obviously, since I’m not that lucky, when it was announced who amongst the 16 of us were picked to be on the jury…I was one of 4 picked. We were excused for the day while the judge continued to pick the jury. Fast forward to the next day. My day starts at 11:45am (yes 11:45am). For some reason our legal system really is as inefficient as you probably always thought. Jury selection continues, even though the Judge thought she would be done by noon. I spend the rest of the day on a bench outside the court room while they pick the rest of my lucky crew of 14 + 2 alternates. At least I’m earning money during this adventure. Going rate for sitting on a bench outside of a court room in NYC = $40.00. I think to myself, “This is better than getting paid nothing to watch CNBC at home.” Tuesday evening at 4:30pm all my fellow jurors are sworn in. Opening statements begin. Lo and behold the Defense attorney is a bit deaf and displays no emotions whatsoever, the court stenographer (I think that’s what they’re called) is a fairy, and our Judge appears to be uninterested.

*Sidebar – I in fact did later confirm that while she appeared to be on her computer taking notes, she was actually on the internet looking at the Drudge report. I shit you negative. She was the best multitasker I have ever seen though. Nary an objection went by that she did not sustain or overrule faster than Spitzer would jump in bed with a hooker.

Which leads me to another digression. My beloved Kristen appeared in all her splendid glory in the NY Post last week. What a shock it was for me to see she shared something in common with one of my fellow jurors. If you notice in this picture, Ashley has a single “x” tattoo on her hand. I had to do it. I had to ask Juror #9 what this symbol they both shared meant. Not having the cajones to do it before the last day, I waited patiently until the day I could find out what this Scooby Doo mystery meant. FF (Fast Forward) to the last day. I ask him. In his Spanish accented English, El hombre tells me that a long time ago people who were part of a group, which wanted to identify together with each other would get this “x” so they could all share something. I took this to mean it was a gang symbol. What the hell else does that mean? He also said that it didn’t mean anything anymore. I took that to mean he got kicked out of his gang! So does Spitzer’s hooker have a gang tattoo? Here’s an alternate theory which is slightly less plausible. The “x” tattoo is now oftentimes associated with the group known as “Straight Edged”. Those people who refrain from drugs and alcohol. Let’s see... does this sound like our innocent girl from Girls Gone Wild – Spring Break 2K3??? I think this proves Kristen aka Ashley was in a Mexican gang!

Wednesday we start at 9:45am. Well…actually we are told to be outside of our court room at 9:45am. We proceed to wait 90 minutes on our benches. As we quickly found out, in her court room, time loses all meaning. The judge would tell us we were taking a 10 minute break and then we would be called back into the courtroom two hours later. I seriously began to wonder who taught her how to read time. What alternate universe did I enter when I entered her domain? I felt like I was starring in an episode of the Twilight Zone.

The trail begins and unlike Law & Order it was BORING! Where’s the Tom Cruise & Jack Nicholson moment? When do I get to see a witness fly off the handle and attack someone? There was no yelling, no crying, and no fights. Just questions, more questions, and even more questions. You know it’s bad when the Prosecution and Defense repeat the same question 5 times in a row, and neither side Object! Hell, I wanted to object. “Objection your honor! Asked and Answered! 4 times!!!” It got to be so boring one of the jurors actually fell asleep. The defense alerts the judge. They huddle in a corner, looking at us, and then the Judge proceeds to call her out.

Judge: Ms. “X” (I forgot her name) are you in need of assistance?
Juror: (She wakes up, a bit groggy at first): “Huh?”
Judge: (Question is repeated)
Juror: Coffee would be nice.
Judge: Well I can’t give you any coffee. Do you need medical assistance or can we proceed?
Juror: (Pissed off and embarrassed): Sorry…

Jury duty is a lot like being in High School again.

I’m noticing how long this Blog is becoming, and I realize most of you won’t read this far. So end of Jury duty is this… we let him off on the more serious charge (I helped sway the jury on that). But, unfortunately we convict him of possession of a narcotic. It was really interesting to see how 12 people who don’t know each other or the person they are charged with finding guilty or innocent can do their task both impartially and fairly. Out of the whole experience, the actual deliberations reaffirmed my wavering faith in our legal system. I’m still trying to figure out how time can stop, or at least slow down, at 100 Centre St.

If anyone was wondering… I am nowhere near as fast as I used to be! After a touch football game last Saturday I was challenged to a 400 meter run. Feeling amped from our 60-18 loss, I decide to do it since I am sure I at least can win at this. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. 10 meters into the race, I pull up lame. I’m just not as young as I used to be. Both hamstrings are pulled… Getting old sucks!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Too much free time on my hands, so I have begun to do things I generally don't. I have officially completed touring the "major" NYC museums. I have also found time to go see two hilarious plays (Wednesday matinee shows of course).

The Farnsworth Invention (Closes Mar 2nd) - An entertaining look at "one" version of who invented the boob tube.

August: Osage County - We've all seen tragic comedies of American family life...but never have they been this dysfunctional nor this funny!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

To Catch A Predator

There was a SouthPark episode, "Le Petit Tourette", that poked fun at the series "To Catch A Predator". In this particular episode, various characters are seen committing suicide in order to prevent themselves from having to be interviewed by Chris Hansen. The SouthPark episode was hilarious and I highly recommend watching it. However an article I read recently that paralleled certain aspects of the SouthPark episode I found highly disturbing.

"GE's NBC Universal Must Defend Lawsuit Over Sex Predator Show2008-02-26 13:52 (New York)
By David Glovin Feb. 26 (Bloomberg) -- General Electric Co.'s NBC Universal must stand trial in a $100 million lawsuit brought by the sister of a Texas prosecutor who killed himself as a network show was about to film his arrest for soliciting a minor online. The suit in Manhattan federal court followed the 2006 suicide of assistant district attorney Louis Conradt, who shothimself in his home in Terrell, Texas, as police were about to arrest him. Waiting outside his house were an NBC Universal castand crew about to film a segment of ``To Catch a Predator,'' a show that works with local police to catch suspected sex offenders. Patricia Conradt sued, saying the network and its``Dateline NBC'' news show, on which ``To Catch a Predator''airs, is responsible for her brother's death. U.S. District Judge Denny Chin in New York said today that the suit may go forward, though he dismissed some legal claims. By seeking to ``sensationalize'' the arrest of Conradt, 56,``a reasonable jury'' might find that NBC created a``substantial risk of suicide'' and ``engaged in conduct so outrageous and extreme that no civilized society should tolerate it,'' Chin said in a 40-page opinion. The judge, who didn't rule on the merits of the suit, said Conradt is seeking more than $100 million in damages. An NBC Universal spokeswoman didn't immediately return for comment. The case is Conradt v. NBC Universal, 07-cv-6623, U.S.District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).
--Editors: Peter Blumberg, Lisa Wolfson."

Why this lawsuit is going to be allowed to go to trial escapes me. "A reasonable jury" would surely agree that NBC did nothing different than say an episode of another live beloved arrest show called "COPS". I wonder why an alleged case of online child solicitation should be any different than an alleged case of battery, noise pollution, or any other "COPS" episode. If the differentiating factor is in this case he committed suicide, I might be inclined to say thank you to NBC. Thank you for keeping scum like this off the streets. Thank you for keeping children safe while surfing the Internet. Thank you for saving tax payers money. I might be so inclined to say these things.

As long as NBC did not pull the trigger. As long as they were only broadcasting the attempted arrest of someone alleged to have committed a crime, I say please stop this waste of tax payer's money. I also say thank you NBC.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Washington State

If you were looking for further evidence that we truly live in a free, fair, and democratic nation please skip this post. I will attempt to recap what has been going on in our Evergreen State (Wash St). Brace yourself folks but this will primarily, if not solely, focus on the Republican race.

In Washington, there is not only a caucus on, Feb 9th, but also a primary on, Feb 19th. On the Democratic side all the delegates are awarded based on the results of the caucus. On the Republican side only 25% of the 40 delegates are awarded based on the results of the caucus that were released on Feb 9th. The rest of the delegates are awarded based on the results of their primary held on Feb 19th. First interesting point to note, how the hell did Mr. McCain win Washington St when he was only "announced" the winner of 25% of a state's delegates? Things that make you go hmmmm.

Second interesting point, how did over 10% of Washington State's votes not get counted and yet the state party chairman still announce a winner? Even when the networks make a prediction, they are careful to announce that it is just that a prediction. Even when they declare, they say it is their declaration. Wouldn't you expect the state party chairman, when announcing a winner, to have counted all votes?

Apparently, Mr. Huckabee thinks that is how an election is supposed to be run. He is now challenging the, still incomplete, results out of Washington that erroneously reported McCain the winner. Yes folks that's right, all the votes still have not been counted. In fact, if you were to try and investigate what precincts had not yet been reported you would be hard pressed to find a knowledgeable soul who knew.

Sounds a bit wacky, right? It gets worse. Caucuses are all held differently in every state it seems. But for the most part it works as follows. A caucuser (is that even a word?) goes to their respective caucus location. They then announce their voting preference. There is then a "vote". Caucusers are then allowed to try and switch people's minds. Then there is another vote. This continues for a set amount of time until the final vote is reached. So if you were a tabulator of votes what would you count? I went to school with most of you reading this and I feel confident at least 60% of you would count the final votes. Sadly...this wasn't done in Washington! Would you believe that some of the results "officially" reported on Feb 9th were of the caucuser's initial voting preferences! Hmmm...

None of this say's McCain didn't win the caucus on Feb 9th. However, there is no way he should have been reported the winner when all the votes weren't counted, when there was no consensus on what was to be counted, and when there was uncertainty about the whole process! It's going to be interesting to see how this turns out.

I'm tempted to write about the monolines, but I think I will hold off for now. Just a little teaser for now. If you thought 2007 was bad, hold onto your hats for 2008! Buffett has just announced an offer he proposed to the monolines to "help" them with their current rating roles. If you haven't been following, the monoline industry (these are the guys who backed the majority of the CDO and subprime issuance that the IB's originated) are currently one rating downgrade away from initiating the next step down on the global economy's long trip into recession. Buffett smelling blood in the water has announced he will step in and buy the good assets of their business. Hmmmm... If you were a company that was soon going to have problems being an ongoing concern would you divest yourself of the only asset you had? Thanks but no thanks Buffett.

Paulson is about to discuss "Project Lifeline". This should be good. Carrot and stick folks, carrot and stick...


...ok I couldn't do it (see 3rd sentence, 1st paragraph). "Do ya smell what the Rock is cookin'?" Hillary is going to get trounced in the Chesapeake Primaries.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Do Over

I was thinking about where in life you are allowed a "do over". I remember as a kid we were fond of "do overs". If you were playing a game of basketball (not that I ever did), dodgeball (it hit you, no it didn't, yes it did!), or some other game and couldn't agree on something you just played a "do over". I'm searching my brain for where in life we are given the opportunity for a do over.

I think it's important to differentiate between a do over and a second chance. A do over means the first time doesn't count...basically erase it or forget it happened. A second chance means just try it again. However if you mess up this time, we know based on the first time, that you will never get it right. A do over doesn't have penalties charged to it. A second chance might have a penalty associated with it. In football when the offensive team has a holding penalty they are assessed a penalty and a replay (2nd chance) at the same down. There are no do over's in football after grade school!

I don't think there are do over's in anything after grade school! Why then does the DNC chairman think that Florida and Michigan deserve a do over??? I think we all have wished we could have a do over once in our lives. However it doesn't work that way. Nor should it work that way for Florida and Michigan. They made their bed, now they should lie in it. Seat them at the Democratic nomination or don't...but don't cry for a do over now! Do over's are for children, not our "trusted" elected officials.

This is bad...


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Yes I Can

Granted the Lemmings in the US won't agree with me, but something about Obama's catch phrases "Yes You Can!" & "Change is in the air" scares me. Listening to his celebratory speech left me grasping for substance...of any sort. Yes he is a great orator, or at least I imagine he could tell a story better than I could! The knock on Clinton's speech was it sounded like a stump speech (more of the same policy orientation with not much energy). I think Obama's speech sounded more like a MC who needed to energize a crowd for the main headliner.

He achieved his task last night. The ending scene was of Obama walking off the stage while his "followers" (think Branch Davidians or Heaven's Gate) chanted "Yes You Can!"... Can what? Can follow someone who speaks eloquently and convincingly, promises change (or salvation), and then achieves nothing (or at worst...well again see above).

With the delegate count not yet over, the results appear set to be narrowly skewed in Hillary's favor. But for how long? Obama raised $32MM vs Hillary's $14MM in January alone. Money alone may not be able to buy an election...but it doesn't hurt your chances.

Interesting stat from last night. Hillary's base: Wage earners under $35K Obama's base: Wage earners over $35K. Over half of the nation earns under $35K.

Great realization by my buddy Lindo... "And why the hell am I the only person who has noticed that Barack Obama sounds exactly like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson when he gives speeches?????"! 'nuff said...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ticker Tape...

With all the free time I currently have, I thought it was my duty to go down in the trenches and become a spectator/reporter for my first Parade. I find it hard to believe that the spectacle I witnessed was, in any way, the same sort of celebration bestowed upon past “Heroes”. I’m sitting here watching Tom Coughlin give his speech after the parade/circus that just went on along the “Canyon of Heroes”. I don’t know where Coughlin was, when he passed Broadway and Wall, but I’m glad he quickly forgot some of my Neanderthal immediate neighbors.

I wonder if shouts of “Babies Mamas” were thrown at the wives/girlfriends of the men of the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon? Were New Jerseyans proclaiming at the top of their lungs “Show us your tits!” when Korean and Persian Gulf War Veterans were honored in the Nineties? Granted there were probably high school age kids doing crowd floats, throwing toilet paper at “Our city’s finest”, and throwing wads of paper into the band’s musical instruments…(the looks of fear, hate, disgust on the band player’s faces made me thank God I never had and still don’t have any musical talent).

I can’t say it was all bad. The energy, in the trenches, directed at the players was genuine. The fans were genuinely having a good time. The mayhem, when team hats or shirts were thrown into the crowd, was quickly controlled before it became riotous. I did not see a single fight. No one was locked up, although one kid came close.

I learned a couple of things from my first Parade.
1.) I now know I didn’t miss much before.
2.) I’m glad I don’t have clean up duty…
3.) On my way back into my apt, my doorman told me that his "friend", a professional pick-pocket, made $3,000 today. His favorite marks happened to be Dads with children on their shoulders....

Pictures and videos in chronological order are listed below. Oh yeah, and don't forget to vote kiddies.


Thursday, January 17, 2008


I'm walking down 3rd Avenue, minding my own business, when all of a sudden I notice the seas parting. Now mind you I had just got down working out. I am decked out in my "jogging suit", a "doo-rag" if you will (although in my case it was a running skullcap), and listening to my Ipod (I'm pretty sure it was TI). Not the typical person you would expect to be fact most would expect "said" person to be the assaulter!

The Red Seas (3rd Avenue) are parting and I'm not moving. I put my head down, lower my shoulder, and get ready for the inevitable. When lo and behold, I see a 5'4" 95lb pippy long stocking look-a-like in thick glasses throwing people out of her way. WTF I think to myself!!! This is definitely not your average scene in front of Home Depot on 3rd Ave. (Although once before I did see a very loud shouting match there...)

I freeze. What the hell do I do now. A wise man once said, "If you're dead." Like a deer in headlights... I froze. Pippy notices my moment of weakness and, like the weakest animal in a herd of Wildebeest set upon by a pride of lions, I go down.

Pippy grabs me by the waist and, with her 95 lbs of strength, shoves me into the glass walls of Home Depot. What just happened I ask myself? People are staring at me inside Home Depot, staring at Pippy clearing more innocent bystanders out of her way, and picking themselves up from the 95lb tornado. I've been assaulted I cry! Similar to what the Clinton's should be shouting right now...

"Some argue that blacks should vote for Clinton "because her husband was good to us," he continued."That's not true," he thundered. "He did the same thing to us that he did to Monica Lewinsky." The illustrious Rev. Jeremiah Wright speaking to his flock this past Sunday...,0,1629577.story?track=rss

Looks like Obama's race is back in play too... "William R. Farr was pretending to read telegrams congratulating this year's award recipient, University of Colorado President Hank Brown, when he pulled out a piece of paper and said, "I have a telegram from the White House."
Then he added, "They're going to have to change the name of that building if Obama's elected."